Building a Healthy Future
for the Kids of Winooski

What We Do

Fight For Kids Foundation strives to find the best ways to teach kids about all aspects of their health so they are equipped to make better decisions about the paths they take in life. Through our holistic health programs, we work one-on-one with youth in Winooski, VT. We also fund and actualize projects that serve our youth and the greater community.

  • Body, Mind, & Spirit

    At FKF, our program starts in the boxing ring. In the ring, we empower our youth by helping them to find and build their strength and resilience—physically, mentally, and emotionally.

  • Providing Guidance

    As mentors, we talk with kids about social pressures and how to handle real life scenarios. We work with kids to improve their confidence and inner strength so they can make healthy decisions.

  • Building Community

    Connection and community support healthy decisions. We host special events and efforts that encourage health and community connections.


Our Current Project

Winooski Youth Center

In 2022, Fight for Kids began work on purchasing the old Winooski Press Building. Since then, we have been raising funds to buy and remodel the building into a youth center. We need the larger space because our programs have outgrown our current facility and will help us to better serve the community.

To make the new Winooski Youth Center a reality, we need the support of our community. Join our efforts in making a safe and supportive place for our kids to learn and grow.

Change Begins with Conversation

Champion a Child

When you donate, you help make a difference in a child’s life. By becoming a monthly donor, you will help sustain the well-being of Winooski’s young people.